26 research outputs found

    Human Factors and Work Factors Related with the Causes of Accidents on Kemplang Workers (Home Industry) in the Village Tebing Gerinting Year 2011

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    Background : Informal workers are "underserved working population" and not get the health care work as expected, while about 80% of workers are informal workers. The problem occurs in one worker was accident. Work accident an average of 6000 people die every day, the equivalent of one person every 15 seconds, or 2.2 million people a year. South Sumatra in the month of January-September 2008 to 4 cases a day, is fairly high for a region which has about 5481 companies. The high incidence of accidents caused by human factors and occupational factors Methods : This study is a quantitative research with cross sectional approach. Independent and dependent variables assessed simultaneously at one time, so no follow up. Based on calculations of the sample, the sample size was 38 respondents. Results : The study found that there was no significant relationship between age with the incidence of accidents, no significant relationship between the sexes in the incidence of accidents, there was no significant relationship between age with the incidence of accidents, no significant relationship between duration of employment with the occurrence of accidents, there was no significant relationship between the roasting process, and no significant relationship between work shifts with the occurrence of accidents. Conclusion : still high number of accidents, to the holding of training and health education work. Kemplang advice for managers should be more concerned about the issues that will be caused by work, worker, or the environment. The health efforts program centers performed optimally, to minimize the Genesis crash can be a training or counseling, health education work

    Pengaruh Posisi Ergonomis terhadap Kejadian Low Back Pain pada Penenun Songket di Kampung BNI 46

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    Tujuan: Penyakit akibat kerja disebabkan oleh pekerjaan dan sikap kerja. Salah satu penyakit akibat kerja pada tulang belakang adalah nyeri punggung bawah, yang timbul karena posisi statis dalam bekerja dan bersifat continue. Setiap tahun 15%–45% orang dewasa menderita nyeri punggung bawah dan umumnya terjadi pada usia 35-55 tahun. Penerapan ergonomi merupakan aktivitas rancang bangun (disain) ataupun rancang ulang yang disesuaikan dengan kemajuan teknologi dan juga anatomy, psysiology, industrial medicine. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh posisi ergonomis terhadap kejadian low back pain pada penenun songket, di kampung BNI 46.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi experimental design tanpa kelompok kontrol dengan metode pendekatan one group pre test - post test design. Populasinya adalah penenun songket berjumlah 30 orang. Karena jumlah populasi kurang dari 100, maka semua objek diteliti, sehingga penelitiannya merupakan total populasi.Hasil: Hasil uji statistik didapatkan nilai p=0.001, yang berarti ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara nyeri sakit pinggang sebelum dan sesudah di beri posisi ergonomis yaitu kursi sandaran dalam menenun songket.Simpulan: Seyogyanya para penenun menggunakan posisi ergonomis yaitu kursi sandaran, karena tidak hanya akan menambah jadi produktif dalam menenun, tetapi resiko terjadi masalah kesehatan, terutama nyeri pinggang dapat di hindari

    Testicular morphology and seminal fluid parameters of adult Wistar rats following honey administration

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    Purpose: Honey has a long history of use in the traditional medical systems This objective of this study was to find out the effects of honey on quality and quantity of sperm and testicular microstructure when compared to fertility boosting drug and controls.Methods: A total number of thirty (30) matured male Wistar rats that were sexually active weighing 200 - 280g were used for this study. The animals were grouped into five as A - E. Group A was the control; Group B (standard group) was the standard group that received 0.3ml of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) drug for 6 days; groups C, D and E received 1ml, 2ml, and 2.5ml of honey daily for 21days respectively. After 21 days of administration, the testes were removed for analysis of the sperm parameters and the histology.Results: Honey significantly improved the sperm quality and spermatogenesis rate (denser seminiferous tubule lumen) of exposed animals compared to control animals, but most improvement was seen in the standard group that received 0.3ml FSH. Also no sign of degeneration or cellular loss was observable in the testicular histo-architecture of experimental animals.Conclusion: This research showed that honey possesses some fertility boosting properties in exposed animals compared to controls and honey is not associated with increased sperm abnormalities.Keywords: Honey, Fertility booster, Spermatozoa, Ologospermi

    Prevention of Transmission Efforts Tuberculosis (Tb) Pulmonary in the Other Family Members in Working Area of Sidorejo Health Center Pagaralam Year 2010

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    Background: According to data from the city Health Department Pagaralam, number of patients with pulmonary TB the last three years from the year 2007-2009 amounted to 182 patients. TB transmission is very prone to going against the people closest to the patient such as pulmonary tuberculosis in the family.Therefore the researchers wanted to know in depth about the family experience in the prevention of lung TB transmission to other family members in the working area Sidorejo Pagaralam Health Center in 2010. Method: This study uses qualitative methods with phenomenological approaches and methods of observation. The purpose of this study to determine the depth of knowledge about TB, pulmonary TB transmission, prevention of transmission of pulmonary tuberculosis and the action taken by families to prevent transmission of tuberculosis disease in the working area of Sidorejo Health Center Pagaralam in 2010. Result: The results of this study is the actions have done by the family in the prevention of lung TB transmission, that is by opening windows of the house every day, drying the mattress is used routinely pulmonary TB patients, reminding patients with pulmonary TB to cover mouth when coughing, preparing a special place for all patients who Pulmonary TB sputum and dispose of immunization in infants at home. Conclusion: The suggestions of this study was to PHC Sidorejo Pagaralam order to add and modify pulmonary TB prevention program. Also needs to be done periodically, or supervision of home visits regularly to monitor the treatment and prevention of transmission of pulmonary tuberculosis conducted at the family home

    Pengaruh Terapi Warna Hijau terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Ibu Primigravida Trisemester III

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    Kehamilan merupakan suatu peristiwa dan pengalaman penting dalam kehidupan seorang wanita. Selama masa kehamilan sebagian besar ibu yang sedang hamil akan mengalami kecemasan, terutama bagi ibu primigravida trimester III. Kecemasan selama menjalani kehamilan dapat menyebabkan terjadinya kelahiran bayi prematur, keguguran, resiko hipertensi pada saat kehamilan, pre eklamsia, eklamsia dan dapat juga menyebabkan persalinan kala II lebih lama. Terapi warna hijau merupakan salah satu terapi nonfarmakologis untuk mengatasi kecemasan. Pemberian terapi warna hijau dapat membuat seseorang merasa nyaman, rileks dan tenang serta dapat merangsang pelepasan serotonin yang dapat menciptakan rasa bahagia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi warna hijau terhadap tingkat kecemasan ibu primigravida trimester III. Desain penelitian pra eksperimen dengan pendekatan one group pretest – posttest design. Jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 15 orang yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Pengambilan data diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuesioner HARS yang dilakukan dari bulan Mei sampai Juni 2014, kemudian data dianalisis menggunakan uji Marginal homogeneity. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya pengaruh terapi warna hijau terhadap tingkat kecemasan ibu primigravida trimester III di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Simpang Timbangan dengan nilai p value = 0,001. Terapi warna hijau hendaknya dapat digunakan ibu hamil sebagai salah satu cara untuk mengatasi kecemasan ibu selama masa kehamila

    Related Biometrical Changes in the Ovaries and Uterus of the Red Bororo Cattle in Maiduguri, Nigeria

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    Pregnancy related biometrical changes in apparently normal ovaries and uterus of 30 pregnant and 10 non - pregnant Red Bororo cows were undertaken in Maiduguri using abattoir samples, with the objective ofproviding baseline data on this aspect. Analysis of the dimensions showed steady increase (P<0.05 to P<0.001) in sizes of the ovaries and uteri along the trimesters of gestation. The right ovary was larger in size and heavier in weight than the left ovary both in pregnant and non – pregnant states. The right uterine horn was larger in size than the left uterine horn, thus suggesting their natural activities. The cervix showed levels of significant reduction (P<0.05 to P<0.01) in length and attendant increases in diameter from first trimester of gestation to full term, signifying the usefulness of the contraction of the sphincter muscles in the sealing of the cervix during pregnancy. In conclusion, the results of this study haveestablished the baseline for the dimensions of ovaries and uterus of the pregnant and non – pregnant Red Bororo cows of Nigeria. This information will make diagnosis of various abnormalities of these organs easierin both physiological states.Key words: Biometry, Ovary, Pregnancy, Red Bororo cow, Uteru

    Pregnancy related biometric changes in the ovaries and uterus of the sahelian goat

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    Ovaries and uteri of 40 apparently normal, sexually mature female Sahelian goats (30 pregnant and10 non-pregnant) were obtained and measured, immediately after slaughter, at the Metropolitan abattoir, Maiduguri, Nigeria, over a period of one year. This was with the aim of documenting pregnancy related biometrical changes in them. The diameter and thickness of the right ovary showed extremely significant increase (p<0.001) during the 14-20 weeks of gestation. The dimensions of the uterine horns showed levels of significant increases (p<0.05 to 0.001) along the stages of gestation, those of the uterine body showed extremely significant increase (p<0.001) throughout gestation, while the cervical diameter and length respectively only showed significant and very significant increases during the 14-20 weeks of gestation. Conclusively, in the Sahelian goat, pregnancy does not seem have significant effect on the dimensions and weight of the left ovary to full term but causes extremely significant increases in the diameter and thickness of the right ovary during the 14-20 weeks of gestation. The diameter and thickness of the right ovary is extremely significantly more than those of the left at the 14-20 weeks of gestation. The gravid and non-gravid right ovaries are larger in dimensions and heavier in weight as compared to left ones, which confirming the fact of right ovary being more active than the left one. Pregnancy causes levels of significant increase in the dimensions of the uterine horns, consistent extremely significant increase in the dimensions of the uterine body, along the stages of gestations. It also causes levels of significant increase in the dimensions of the cervix during the 14-20 weeks s of gestation. The right and left uterine horns of the Sahelian goat show no significant difference in dimensions both in pregnant and non-pregnant states